Latina volunteer greeting a woman at donation facility.

Some questions to ask

  • Are we clear about who needs to be engaged, and why?
  • Have those who are directly experiencing the problem been participating?
  • Have people who have responsibility or influence to change conditions been participating?
  • Is it rewarding to participate (e.g., roles, rewards, respect)?
  • Is it relatively easy to participate (e.g., time, effort, location)?
  • Are people able to participate effectively?
  • Have we created an environment that encourages full and continued participation?


Some recommended actions for promoting engagement

  1. __ Determine why you need or want other people to get involved.
  2. __ Identify those who need to be involved, including those most affected and those who can address the group’s goals.
  3. __ Reach out to those you most want to involve through trusted people, organizations, and networks.
  4. __ Communicate the need and benefits of taking action together.
  5. __ Make participation more rewarding and attractive.
  6. __ Make participation easier and of lower cost (i.e., time, effort, money).
  7. __ Improve peoples’ abilities to be involved (e.g., provide information, skill training, technical support).
  8. __ Create an environment that fosters full and continued participation.
  9. __ Plan for involving new generations of people and organizations.


Examples of engagement


Resources to help you engage

Tools from the Community Tool Box

Toolkit: Increasing Participation and Membership

Encouraging Involvement in Community Work

Participatory Approaches to Planning Community Interventions

Maximizing Community Stakeholders’ Engagement

Developing a Plan for Increasing Participation in Community Action

Involving People Most Affected by the Problem

Involving Key Influentials in the Initiative

Identifying Targets and Agents of Change: Who Can Benefit and Who Can Help

Using Community Sectors to Reach Targets and Agents of Changes

Methods of Contacting Potential Participants

Promoting Participation Among Diverse Groups

Providing Support for Staff and Volunteers

Building and Sustaining Relationships

Honoring Community Champions

Tools from KDHE and Other Sources

Creating Health Equity Through Community Engagement

Communities in Action: Pathways to Health Equity

A Practitioner’s Guide for Advancing Health Equity